Sunday, January 15, 2012

Adventures in Cross-Stich

I finished something today, and I feel accomplished. Several years ago I decided I wanted to learn how to cross-stitch. I bought myself a Counted Cross-Stitch kit, and dove in. I finished the cross-stitch a while ago (years, I'm sure, but I don't know how many.) I never got around to the finishing touches; the framing. The project got lost in the shuffle, but a few months ago I was cleaning out my shed and found a giant box of crafting STUFF; supplies, patterns, and a mostly finished cross-stitch.

Yesterday I went on the hunt for a suitable frame for my creation. This morning, my hard work finally has a home:

I wanted to include the information on the kit itself, so I want on a fruitless search on the interweb... until I remembered that despite the fact the my house looks like someone broke in and ransacked the place I am actually a rather well organized individual. Since this project started pre-blogging I went to the bookshelf, pulled out my project book, and found the information I was looking for:

I have the instructions, too. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that I do have basic organizational skills.